Monday, February 28, 2011

30 day project- Day 13

Day 13 - A picture of your favorite band or artist

I don't really have a favorite band or artist.  I listen to a LOT of different kinds of music.  Anything but country really.  But when Randy is away, I listen to the same kind of music that he does.  For some reason, it makes me feel closer to him.  So, for the purpose of this project, my favorite band is Avenged Sevenfold.

I know, its kind of an odd choice for a girl like me.  But I really do love their music.  I even went to a concert in August.  (Don't worry, I had 4 Marines with me as my personal bodyguards.)  Avenged Sevenfold also reminds me of some good friends of ours, and all the fun times we had in Jacksonville with them.

So the loud screaming music actually makes me quite happy.  I have a lot of good memories tied to a lot of their songs.

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