Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Murphy's Law- Marine Corps style!

Murphy's Law- anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.

Military Wives Murphy's Law- anything that can go wrong will only go wrong the second he leaves for training, or deployment, or is completely unreachable by conventional means of communication.

It is bound to happen.

And honestly, after almost 9 years in the Marine Corps lifestyle, I pretty much expect it.
Sometimes, it is something major, like a dog needing surgery.

Sometimes it is completely ridiculous, like a sink monster jumping out from underneath the coffee cup in the sink.  

But it will always be something that you know wouldn't have happened if your husband were home.  

Which is exactly what I was thinking Saturday night.

I am pretty sure that if the boy had not been floating around somewhere of the coast of VA, then I probably wouldn't have had to take a fun filled trip to the ER.

Each time that Military Wives Murphy's Law sneaks up on me, I am reminded of something  very important:

I can handle it.

If it is thrown in my face, knocks me off balance, catches me off guard- it doesn't really matter.  I can handle it.

So, when stomach pains were keeping me awake and very uncomfortable at 3 am, I knew I could and would handle it.  I hopped in the car, and checked myself in.  I felt a little bit sorry for myself- but that was my own fault.  I was yelled at by just about all of my co-workers on Monday morning when they found out I was there by myself.  I was reminded (again, because I am stubborn) that it is ok to ask for help, and it is ok to call people at 3 am if you are in the emergency room.

The moral of the story: Something is bound to go wrong.  And it will seem like the end of the world, because I know that it would be so much easier if my level-headed husband were home.  But he isn't- and that's not anybody's fault.  He is doing his job, and I must do mine.  My job is to take care of it- and handle it.

Saturday night was just a reminder of Murphy's Law- and I handled it!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Dear Deployment: You still suck!

Yesterday I got my hair cut.  

Sounds like a simple, straightforward, relaxing way to spend a Saturday right?

It was... until those pesky deployment demons snuck up right at the end and kicked me in the gut.  

I was asked to schedule my next appointment... and the date they gave me was one measly week before the boy leaves.

Hearing that... and coming to the realization that the number of weeks that stand between me and deployment number 5 can be counted on 2 hands sent me right into meltdown mode.  I did, thankfully, manage to make it out of the salon and into my car before I lost it.


The thing is, I knew they were going to ask that question, and I knew what the date would be.  But to actually hear that out loud was a huge reality check, and I did not like it one bit.  

It turns out, my heart has yet to realize there is a difference between this deployment and the last 4.  This one so far is a non-combat deployment, so the realities are a lot different.  My head has realized this... but I am not sure at what point the hurt will be different.... and I really don't think it will.  

My husband will still be leaving for 8 plus months.  

We will still be apart.

I still have to stand there and watch him get on a bus and drive away from me.

I still have to keep everything going on my own.

I am still going to have to find ways to make the time pass as quickly as possible.

The only difference I've found is that this time I might actually be a bit jealous of some of the locations the boy gets to visit.  (That is obviously something new- I can safely say I've never been jealous of the time he spent in Iraq or Afghanistan.)

Bottom line is, deployments still suck, regardless of the combat or non-combat nature.  As much as I keep trying to put on my big girl panties, it still hurts knowing that I only have a handful of weeks left before he is gone for good.  And for more than half of those weeks, he will be away training.  Which sucks even more.  

But- it is what it is.  It's my turn- and we all have to take a turn.  This too shall pass... and hopefully soon after he comes in the fall, we will be on our way somewhere new... together.  

And that will make it all worth it. 

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Promotion Day!

On January 1st, the boy officially became a Staff Sergeant.

But it wasn't officially official until he pinned on on January 7th.

And then it wasn't officially officially official until it updated on his online records... then when he changed it in his email signature... then when I called him on his office phone to hear him say his new rank... however many different ways you say it, it is official!

Needless to say, we are both thrilled with this promotion.  It of course means new challenges and new responsibilities for both of us, but it is something we are both ready to take on.  It also means that the boy is guaranteed to stay in until retirement now, which is a huge relief for both of us.  

It does also mean another deployment... which is fine.  (More on that another day.)

I don't really know if I can really put into words how proud I am of my husband.... and how proud I am of us really.  This is something that I honestly feel like we both earned together.  (That sounds like I am one of THOSE wives... that wear their husband's rank... I promise I am not!)  I could care less about what the rank is- but this was a long time coming, and it took a lot of sacrifice and dedication on both of our parts.  There were plenty of days that the boy just felt like giving up on all things Marine Corps- and it was me convincing him that what he was doing was worth it... and important.  And then there were the other 360 days that I absolutely hated all things Marine Corps- but was reminded how much HE loves the Marine Corps... and that changed my tune.

I've come to the realization that I won't ever get to have a conventional "career", and I probably won't ever work at a job long enough to retire.  That's why I throw myself so much into all things Marine Corps- because here in another 10-ish years, the boy will retire, and with that, we will both close a huge chapter in our lives.  This, when it really comes down to it, is my career- my choice- too.  And I am okay with that.

The new SSgt has now accomplished MORE than he ever thought he would in the Marine Corps.  The best part is- he's only halfway through.  Who knows what this guy will accomplish next- but I know he will do great things, and be a fantastic leader!!  

Congrats babe! I am so very very proud of you!!!