Monday, October 7, 2013

7 months


Ok kids, we are in the home stretch!!!

I can count on ONE HAND the number of weeks that stand between me and this guy:

That's a big freaking deal, if you didn't know that.  

Month SEVEN highlights:

-I did some gardening.  Much to my surprise, out of the 26 mums that I planted, I believe I have only lost one- and I'm blaming that one on the lawn people that come in weekly- I'm pretty sure they trampled all over it.  Oh well.  

-We booked our post-deployment cruise! 5 days to the Bahamas sounds pretty good in January! 85 days and counting....

-We had a flea issue.  Grrrr.  Still not thrilled with that little episode, and I really wish I would have known it was a problem in North Carolina regardless of the treatment you have been using on your pets for 6 years... but it's under control now and we are flea-free.  Once again, Randy is away when there is furbaby drama!

-Our 6th anniversary!  This is about as good as it gets for a picture together when the boy is deployed-

-Plenty of FaceTime! The boy is currently hanging out in Rota, Spain.  He is off the boat for a while, and in his own room with WiFi.  It has been a really nice way to end this deployment- but it does make me miss him that much more each time we hang up.  

-Homecoming outfit found, and ball dress purchased!  I am feeling WAY ahead of the game this time!!

Next stop- 8 months complete, and HOMECOMING!!!


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