Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Murphy's Law- Marine Corps style!

Murphy's Law- anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.

Military Wives Murphy's Law- anything that can go wrong will only go wrong the second he leaves for training, or deployment, or is completely unreachable by conventional means of communication.

It is bound to happen.

And honestly, after almost 9 years in the Marine Corps lifestyle, I pretty much expect it.
Sometimes, it is something major, like a dog needing surgery.

Sometimes it is completely ridiculous, like a sink monster jumping out from underneath the coffee cup in the sink.  

But it will always be something that you know wouldn't have happened if your husband were home.  

Which is exactly what I was thinking Saturday night.

I am pretty sure that if the boy had not been floating around somewhere of the coast of VA, then I probably wouldn't have had to take a fun filled trip to the ER.

Each time that Military Wives Murphy's Law sneaks up on me, I am reminded of something  very important:

I can handle it.

If it is thrown in my face, knocks me off balance, catches me off guard- it doesn't really matter.  I can handle it.

So, when stomach pains were keeping me awake and very uncomfortable at 3 am, I knew I could and would handle it.  I hopped in the car, and checked myself in.  I felt a little bit sorry for myself- but that was my own fault.  I was yelled at by just about all of my co-workers on Monday morning when they found out I was there by myself.  I was reminded (again, because I am stubborn) that it is ok to ask for help, and it is ok to call people at 3 am if you are in the emergency room.

The moral of the story: Something is bound to go wrong.  And it will seem like the end of the world, because I know that it would be so much easier if my level-headed husband were home.  But he isn't- and that's not anybody's fault.  He is doing his job, and I must do mine.  My job is to take care of it- and handle it.

Saturday night was just a reminder of Murphy's Law- and I handled it!

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