Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The girl can swim... sort of.

Last night, Mocha went swimming.

Swimming is exhausting!
Now, I'll ask again.  

Who thinks I am crazy?

Because what normal person takes their dog for hydrotherapy once a week?

Well, I think this might be proof that I am far from normal when it comes to this dog. 

2 rounds of CCL surgery have left Mocha a bit limpy.  (2 rounds of surgery have also left me a nervous wreck, afraid to do much of anything for fear I will continue to break the boy's dog. Blah!)  So when we went to visit Dr. Farthing, I told her I was concerned that she was still not putting much weight on her leg, and that I was afraid the second round of surgery hadn't fixed anything.  The boy-who does not always think worst case scenario like yours truly- figured that it was because she had had the same surgery done twice in 6 months, and that it was just going to take longer to heal.  

Now brace yourself.  Because this rarely happens.

The boy was RIGHT. 
(Yes- there it is- in writing.  Proof that he was right, and he wins this one.)

It turns out that occasionally I should listen to my darling dearest.  After I let him win, the vet suggested we take her swimming once a week to start building her strength back in her leg.  This was something Mocha was familiar with- after round one of surgery this summer, she was swimming at daycare once a week.  

So back to daycare we went.  Thankfully, they offer after hours swimming, so off we went.

Now Mocha is part lab, which means she should love swimming and love all things water, right?


From what I was told, Mocha only swims because she knows it will make her people happy.  If the poor thing had a choice, she would definitely not be in a pool with her adorable life jacket on. But she swims.  She gets plenty of hugs and cuddles when she rocks it doing her laps in the pool, and our second round yesterday was much more enjoyable for all parties involved.  

So in case you missed it yesterday, here is Mocha girl swimming:

She just cracks me up haha.

It seems to be working.  After last week's hydrotherapy session, she would not use her owie leg at all for a good 2 days.  Last night, she was running around on it as soon as we got home.  So I am hopeful that this will make her leg as good as it's going to get, because Lord knows I am sick of being a nervous wreck any time the poor dog runs or jumps or does anything besides lay quietly next to me. 

Yes, I probably am crazy.  But I am okay with that- because I am fortunate I can spoil my dog with daycare and hydrotherapy and whatever else she needs.  She is a happy girl, and a good puppy.  And really, I know it is all worth it in the end!